Nonprofit Organizations

We love supporting the efforts of nonprofit organizations! Getting started on VolunteerLocal is easy: log into your VolunteerLocal account, create the jobs and shifts you need filled, and turn that event “live.” You can then share this sign-up link (generated by VolunteerLocal) to prospective volunteers in a newsletter, an email or through your organization's social media channels.

When volunteers sign-up to work for the event, you'll have access to an array of administrative tools in your account - including a report showing all filled and unfilled shifts, editable volunteer profiles for each signup, and the ability to export all your volunteer data to Excel. By creating a process that streamlines all the paperwork, it is our hope that your volunteers can focus on the real work of helping your nonprofit organization make the world a better, cleaner, healthier place. Happy volunteering!

Read about a few of our happy nonprofit customers:

Specific features for nonprofit organizations
  1. Printable Report
  2. Export Tool
  3. Custom Registration Questions
  4. Unlimited Jobs and Shifts
  5. Public URL and Social Plug-Ins
VolunteerLocal saved me a lot of time and stress while coordinating volunteers for the 105th Drake Relays. In the past we had been relying on emails, phone calls, and random post-it notes to fill positions but streamlining everything through one website was a lifesaver! The most time consuming aspect of using this tool was the initial process of getting everything in the system but because you can archive events, next year will be a breeze! I recommend VolunteerLocal if you are looking to reduce stress and improve the sign-up experience of both the volunteer coordinator and the volunteers.
- Johanna Determann, Drake Relays

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